State Homefront

Stambaugh's home state of Pennsylvania was notoriously named the "Arsenal of America" due to its extensive industrial capabilities and weapon manufacturing. The city of Pittsburgh's booming steel industry significantly helped the war effort with steel being used in weapon and vehicle production. Pennsylvania accounted for 31% of the US steel production, and 20% of worldwide production at the time. The dairy and agriculture industry in Pennsylvania were also thriving which only added to the state's significant contribution towards the war. Pennsylvania also benefited from a convenient geographical location to the East Coast for easy export to the fight in Europe. Pennsylvania was home to over forty military bases, the larger ones being the Philadelphia Navy Yard and the Carlisle Barracks.

This photograph shows one of the many large steel mills along the Ohio River in Pittsburgh. This shows how Stambaugh's home state set itself apart from the rest in its unmatched steel industry.

This is a picture of the inside of a Pennsylvania weapons factory.

Pennsylvania contributed heavily to the war efforts through farming. This picture shows what a typical farm would look like in Lancaster Country Pennsylvania in this time period.